
head oil Learn more about head oil

  • Hybrid lavender varieties: what are the differences between hybrid lavender and head lavender

    Hybrid lavender varieties: what are the differences between hybrid lavender and head lavender

    Do you like lavender? This is a kind of plant used to make essential oil, which is very popular with consumers. There is a big difference between lavender and sage. Do you want to know the characteristics of panicle lavender and head lavender? Let's have a look! Panicle flower fumigation

    2019-06-17 Hybrid lavender variety and head shape have what difference characteristic
  • Spicy fish head with shredded silver

    Spicy fish head with shredded silver

    Raw materials: silver carp head 1 (about 900 grams) excipients: vermicelli 200 grams, bright red green finger pepper 75 grams, ginger, pickled pepper right amount. Seasoning: pepper, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, cooking wine, sugar, pickled pepper oil, chopped onions, onion oil. Practice: 1, vermicelli first use warm water to make it through. 2. Chop the peppers and mix them with pickled pepper, pepper, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, cooking wine, sugar and pickled pepper oil. Marinate the fish head for 5 minutes. 3. Put all the fish heads in two halves

  • Five-fillet fish head

    Five-fillet fish head

    Raw materials: silver carp head, shredded ham, shredded shiitake mushrooms, shredded bamboo shoots, shredded red pepper, shredded green pepper, spring onions, ginger, garlic, cooking wine, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, sesame oil, water starch, salad oil and so on. Production: fish head to remove Gill wash clean, with a knife from the jaw cut, but do not split, showing a "hinge" of a large piece. After rinsing clean, marinate with cooking wine and refined salt, steam for about 15 minutes on the plate, decanting the soup from the plate. Heat the wok, pour in the oil, and stir-fry several kinds of shreds.

  • Yellow eel

    Yellow eel

    Raw material / seasoning: 750 grams of live eel, 15 grams of agaric, 20 grams of cooked bamboo shoots, 12 grams of diced pig oil, 35 grams of vegetable oil, 60 grams of cooked lard, 10 grams of sesame oil, 100 grams of Shao wine, 3 grams of refined salt, 450 grams of soy sauce, 15 grams of spring onions, 5 grams of ginger slices, 15 grams of garlic head, 10 grams of Monascus rice water, 15 grams of water starch, 750 grams of pork soup, 10 grams of sugar, 250 grams of rock sugar, 5 grams of sesame oil. Production process: 1. Cut across the head of the carp

  • At present, how much is the wholesale price of wild bacteria in Yunnan? When will it go on sale? What is the effect? How to store it?

    At present, how much is the wholesale price of wild bacteria in Yunnan? When will it go on sale? What is the effect? How to store it?

    Wild fungus is a unique wild edible fungus in Yunnan Province, growing at an altitude of 2000,000m above sea level, accounting for more than half of the world's edible fungi and 2/3 of China's edible fungi. How much is the wholesale price of wild fungi in Yunnan at present? When will it go on sale? What's the effect?

    2020-11-09 At present Yunnan wild fungus wholesale price more less money one jin
  • Planting techniques of oil sunflower with short and big head

    Planting techniques of oil sunflower with short and big head

    Prepare a piece of sunny sandy soil, apply sufficient basic fertilizer deeply, and then flatten the field. Select some mid-late mature seeds with high quality, high yield and strong disease resistance to be sown in the soil and cover the soil with a small amount of water. After seedling emergence, do a good job of seedling replenishment, water and fertilizer, soil cultivation and weeding, etc.

    2020-11-09 Short head oil sunflower planting technology preparation one piece sunny sandy
  • A tutorial on killing crayfish (the right method and steps)

    A tutorial on killing crayfish (the right method and steps)

    First put on gloves, then hold the head of the crayfish with your hands, cut off the right and left forceps of the crayfish, wash them with clean water, soak the crayfish in clean water for about 3 minutes, then pinch the head of the crayfish with your hands, turn it over and use a brush

    2020-11-08 Kill small lobster tutorials correct methods steps summary first
  • What do you mean by how many abalone?

    What do you mean by how many abalone?

    What do you mean by how many abalone?

  • Dried braised sea fish head

    Dried braised sea fish head

    Materials: half head of sea fish (salmon and other sea fish), 75g meat stuffing, 1 garlic, half tablespoon minced ginger and garlic. Seasoning: 1 tablespoon cooking wine, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 tablespoon spicy beans, 1 tablespoon sugar, half tablespoon vinegar, a little pepper, 2 cups water, half tablespoon water starch. Practice: 1. Wash the head of sea fish, cut it in half, dry, fry with 5 tablespoons oil on both sides and serve. 2. Stir-fry minced ginger, garlic and minced meat with 2 tablespoons oil, then add all the ingredients.

  • stewed fish head with sauce in casserole

    stewed fish head with sauce in casserole

    Ingredient: fish head (preferably bighead carp head) 1.5kg. Ingredients: 2 taels of fat and lean pork, 1 tael of searice, a little onion, ginger and garlic. Seasoning: lard 2 taels, vegetable oil 2 taels, salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine a little. Pepper can be made according to your own taste. Cooking method: wash the fish head to the gills, scald it with boiling water, remove the black skin, add a little salt and cooking wine, and drown for 10 minutes. Chopped onion, ginger and garlic. Heat the fried spoon with vegetarian oil and deep-fry the fish head until golden brown. Stir-fry the pork in a frying pan and add it.

  • Fish Head en Casserole

    Fish Head en Casserole

    Fish head, descaling and washing, a little spring onion and ginger. Tofu is indispensable. The head of the fish is too big to change the knife, otherwise it is inconvenient to eat. Prepare the wok, put the oil, and the oil should be hot. Put clear water in the casserole for use. Add spring onions and ginger and stir-fry. Stir-fry the fish head and put a little cooking wine. And put it in the casserole. Add the tofu to the boil. Simmer with salt and simmer for 10 minutes.

  • Spicy fat sausage Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil

    Spicy fat sausage Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil

    Fat sausage Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil materials: fat sausage, anchovy, Pixian beans, ginger, onions, garlic, dried chili, sesame oil, lettuce, garlic seedlings, parsley. Practice: fat sausage is washed by a special method and cut into small sections; fillet into fish fillets, pickled with salt, yellow wine and shredded ginger, pickled in a separate plate, lettuce, etc. stir-fry; stir-fry with ingredients in the pan, add head and tail, fish fillets and fat sausage, and cook them in a secret sauce pan. Features: it is more common in Fei Chang and Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil to "fight alone". Now they are combined into one furnace.

  • The efficacy and function of Prunus mume

    The efficacy and function of Prunus mume

    The efficacy and function of Prunus mume

  • A new system for supervision and inspection of grain and oil in China has started operation

    A new system for supervision and inspection of grain and oil in China has started operation

    On September 26, the reporter learned from the China Grain Reserve Corporation that in order to strictly observe the safety bottom line of the central grain reserve, since this year, the China Grain Reserve Corporation has strengthened the top-level system design and established the normalization mode of three vertical supervision of people, finance and materials. At present, the new grain and oil supervision inspection of China Grain Reserve Corporation

    2016-03-20 central reserve grain grain and oil supervision inspection novelty search system start operation
  • chopped pepper fish head

    chopped pepper fish head

    Raw materials: fat head fish head 1 1000 grams, Hunan special chopped pepper, monosodium glutamate, red oil, ginger, onion, white radish pieces of the right amount. Production method: ① Wash the fish head, remove gills and scales, and split it into two from the middle of the fish lip.② Spread salt and monosodium glutamate evenly on the fish head, marinate for 5 minutes and then spread chopped pepper on the fish head. Put 2 to 3 slices of ginger and white radish at the bottom of the dish, put the fish head on top, and put some chopped ginger on the fish.③ Steam the fish head in the pan for 15 minutes,

  • The efficacy and function of the latest plum blossom

    The efficacy and function of the latest plum blossom

    Wax plum blossom contains borneol, cineole, linalool and other ingredients. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the plum blossom taste slightly sweet, pungent, cool, has the effect of relieving summer heat and promoting fluid, appetizer and relieving depression, detoxifying and activating muscle, and relieving cough. Mainly for summer fever, dizziness, vomiting, fever, irritation and thirst, qi depression, stomach tightness, cough, etc.

    2020-11-10 The latest wax plum flower efficacy and effect wax plum blossom contains
  • Add one thing to the shampoo. The hair is black and thick. Try it all.

    Add one thing to the shampoo. The hair is black and thick. Try it all.

    How many people in the age of 40 but only 60 years old hair loss is still facing hair loss, hairline backward, semi-bald affect mood and social, it is excruciating! Hair loss, hairline moving back, greasy, dry and irritable, dandruff.

  • Fish Head Cloud

    Fish Head Cloud

    Color, fragrance: Fresh fish head, rich soup Ingredients: 1 flower silver carp head (about 1500g), 12 vegetable bracts, 5g ham slices, 15g fresh mushroom slices Accessories: gravy, monosodium glutamate, salt, oil, aquatic powder, stock each appropriate preparation: 1) flower silver carp head to gills washed, then steamed to bone (not broken) standby; 2) Pour stock into the pan, add sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate and other seasonings, then add fish head, ham slices, fresh mushroom slices, vegetable bracts, boil, thicken with cornstarch, sprinkle

  • Vegetarian shrimp

    Vegetarian shrimp

    Raw material formula dried bean curd (6 mm thick) 100 kg flour 20 kg shrimp oil 10 kg monosodium glutamate 0.2 kg ginger 0.5 kg production method 1. Slicing: the semi-finished product is cut into a length of 40 mm long, 3 mm wide and 6 mm thick. A large number of production is cut by machine, a small amount can be cut manually, and it can also be cut into large and small heads. two。 Deep-fried billet: deep-fry the semi-finished product in oil, the oil temperature should not be high (about 110℃), do not fry thoroughly, let alone deep-fry, if you have some bones and muscles, come out of the pan.

  • The latest storage method of Toona sinensis buds

    The latest storage method of Toona sinensis buds

    Toona sinensis, also known as Toona sinensis bud, incense pile head, red Toon tree, Chuntian, etc., is a nutritious food, eating more is good for health, Li Yu said: vegetables can fen people's teeth and cheeks, Toona sinensis is also. But the buds of Toona sinensis are so seasonal that they can't be eaten after the season.

    2020-11-10 Latest Toona sinensis Bud Storage method also known as Bud